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  • Writer's pictureAva Jafari

The Golden Ratio

In ISM this past week, my mentor visit consisted of discussions in regards to my final product ideas and any additional questions I had about certain aspects of my final product.

After doing additional research on a lip filler article, I discovered a crucial part of the article that had to do with a patient alignment checklist. I made sure to base my procedures and routines off of that checklist in order to ensure that my hypothetical patient simulation was accurate and reliable. These steps would verify that the patient had realistic expectations about the post and pre-procedural outcomes so that they were not surprised by any common occurrence.

In addition to research, I had a few questions about the correct lip ratio that would be the most accurate in the patient I was treating in my simulation. In the article I researched, there were a variety of ratios that were presented that showed the top lip compared to the bottom lip with a visual representation. I was wondering which ratio was most ideal for the treatment of genetically thin lips. After asking Dr. Cain, he said that there is a Golden Ratio that he utilized in order to achieve aesthetically pleasing lips. This Golden Ratio is found naturally in nature and in a 1:1.618 upper to bottom lip ratio that is the standard idea of beauty. Typically, Dr. Cain tries to achieve a ratio that is as close to the Golden Ratio as possible.

Hearing about the Golden Ratio provided me with insight into how mathematics applies to the aesthetic nature of human features and proportions. This new insight gives me another topic to study and further peaks my interest in the realm of plastic surgery. Through utilizing this information, I know that my final product will be a realistic and successful project that will heighten my knowledge to the greatest extent.

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